Eduardo de Lima Reis & Belinda BillingJul 20, 2023Tea TreeMonitoring tea tree sprinklers with dronesThe use of drones in agriculture is becoming more common and it's not suprising why. They are a powerful tool to precisely monitor crop...
Jess Bennett, Farmacist Extension AgronomistJul 14, 2023GrazingManaging microbes for better beefWhat's in front of your cattle is an important factor in managing your herd, but more important is what's working inside them. Rumen...
Michael Macpherson, Farmacist Senior AgronomistJul 12, 2023Project BluewaterMichael and Joe talk about grass control and timely herbicide application in plant caneTo read more about timely herbicide application in plant cane, read the article from the Autumn 2023 issue of Farmacist News here....
Michael Macpherson, Farmacist Senior AgronomistJun 30, 2023FarmacistFoggy morning? Let's talk about inversionsFARMACIST IN THE FIELD (EP2) - INVERSIONS With very foggy mornings lately, it is important that you know what that means for spraying...